UPVC Doors and Windows Services in Blackpool and Fylde
UPVC doors and windows are a common sight in many homes but this means they need proper care and maintenance. UPVC doors and windows can need repairs and maintenance for a variety of reasons. If they are damaged they may be repairable or so badly damaged that your only option will be to have them replaced.
Just get in contact with us and we'll be able to advise you on the best course of action, we have a wealth of experience with UPVC doors and windows of all kinds including patio doors and French doors. Our team can help with a variety of issues and we've listed some of our most popular UPVC repairs below.

- Key Won't Turn or Fit Into The Lock
Being stuck with a key that won’t enter the lock or turn can be very frustrating if you experience this it will be because of a failure in the lock cylinder. To fix this problem a new lock cylinder will need to be installed.
Why Does This Happen?
This problem can occur for a variety of reasons some of the most common are the lock as simply become worn down due to age and general wear and tear, or a cheap or poor-quality lock has been installed. - Key Fits and Turns But It Still Won't Open
This is a tricky one because from the outside it might seem like everything is fine. But if your key fits perfectly and you can turn it, but your door still won’t open then it likely means that there's been a multi-point failure or part of the lock as jammed.
Why Does This Happen
General wear and tear is another common cause however this problem can also arise if the door and its frame are out of alignment with each other. It can also happen if your door is slammed too much. - The UPVC Door Won’t Shut
If your UPVC door won’t shut securely then it could be a problem with the lock.
Why Does This Happen
This problem can be caused by the rubber trim around the door not fitting snuggly, however it could also be because the door lock's latch has been adjusted incorrectly.
How We Can Help If Your Door or Window Lock Is Damaged
- My UPVC Door/Window Handle Won't Lift.
If you’re having difficulty moving the handle of any UPVC door or window handle, then it’s likely due to a worn out or damaged locking mechanism. - The Key Works But It Requires Some Jiggling To Open
Difficulty to open your UPVC door or windows is usually going to be because of a worn-out lock cylinder or badly cut/ damaged keys. - My Door Bolt Won’t Retract
This is a common problem in UPVC doors and windows and it usually means there’s a broken mechanism of some kind inside the door or window.
Replacing A Lock Without A Key – Can It Be Done?
We Will Usually Need A Key
A key will usually be needed in order to replace the cylinder lock mechanism because this is the only way to ensure the UPVC mechanism can still be operated.
We Can Change The Lock If You Don’t Have A Key
There is some good news though thanks to our experience we are able to change the lock even if no key is available. This will require a range of specialist tools and knowledge and while it may take a little longer (in some cases) it will ensure your door is still perfectly aligned and secure.
What Type of Multipoint Locking Systems Can You Help With?
We can help you with a variety of different UPVC locking mechanisms, there are many different kinds of multipoint locking systems available and we can help with them all. We can help with UPVC locking mechanisms of all kinds including latches, rollers, hooks and deadbolts.
Can You Update My Locking Mechanism?
We don’t just offer repairs and replacements we can also upgrade any old or out of date UPVC multipoint locking mechanisms. This will help ensure you get more security some of the more modern multipoint systems include hook and bolt style locks.
The Common Types of Locking Mechanisms To Know About:
- Latches
- Deadbolts
- Roller and Mushroom Cams
- Hook and Pin Locks

My Window/ Door Won’t Lock
- If your window or door won’t open then it’s likely because they are misaligned, this will prevent the locking mechanism reaching the position it needs to lock. Or it may be preventing the handle to lift correctly and thus prevent the key from turning.
- To correct this problem the door/ window hinges will need to be adjusted so that the door/ window frame fits properly.
- The problem could also be caused by the rubber surrounding your door/ window not being fitted correctly.
- Finally, the issue could also be mechanical, if the door or window is old then it could just be down to age and general wear and tear.
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